Development Setup

For development purposes you can start all container at the same time and mount the src folder to each of them. Every container binds to a different port on your host machine.

Create your docker-composer.yml and past the following code:

version: '3'

      image: mesa/oxid:php5.6
      restart: always
      container_name: oxid_php5.6
        - "8082:80"
        - ./src/:/data/
        - oxid_db
        MYSQL_HOST: oxid_db
        MYSQL_DATABASE: oxid
        MYSQL_USER: oxid
        MYSQL_PASSWORD: oxid
        OXID_SHOP_URL: "http://localhost:8082"
        OXID_IDEBUG: 0

      image: mesa/oxid:php7.0
      restart: always
      container_name: oxid_php7.0
        - "8081:80"
        - ./src/:/data/
        - oxid_db
        MYSQL_HOST: oxid_db
        MYSQL_DATABASE: oxid
        MYSQL_USER: oxid
        MYSQL_PASSWORD: oxid
        OXID_SHOP_URL: "http://localhost:8081"
        OXID_IDEBUG: 0

      image: mesa/oxid:db
      restart: always
      container_name: oxid_db
        - "3306:3306"
# Presist your data when needed.
#       - ./oxid_db:/var/lib/mysql
    # Mount your DB dumps here
        - ./db-dumps/:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
        MYSQL_DATABASE: oxid
        MYSQL_USER: oxid
        MYSQL_PASSWORD: oxid

docker-compose.yml - (RAW)

Now everything is prepared for docker, you can start up all containers by executing:

docker-compose up -d

The container initialisation will take some time, be patient and wait a minute.

You are started the prepared containers containing Apache2, PHP and composer, but there is no OXID CE source code preinstalled. You have to “install/download” OXID or put your existing project files under src/source.

Install OXID

When you start with a new install of OXID or want to test a version diffrent from your current, you can install OXID CE through a script installed in each container.

Just execute /etc/ inside your docker container.

docker-compose exec [docker-container-name] /etc/ -v [oxid-version]

for example:

docker-compose exec php5.6 /etc/ -v v4.10.5

You can specifiy a OXID version number to install or leave the parameter empty. The optional parameter will default to the latest OXID version (currently v4.10.5).

OXID Version numbers are branch names or tag names from github, like:

but note the leading char “v”. This is required and its to easy to forget.

The option -f will delete your and create a new one, with environment variables injected. This is required, because every container need to set individial values to you shop.

The option --db will drop your schema/database and create a new one, with utf8 enabled. This will prevent some nasty Database related OXID bug, like mixed collations.

You can skip the next block, you have already downloaded OXID source files.

Copy existing project

To start with you existing project, copy all files into the webroot folder. This folder is mounted as volume to the container and it’s defined in your docker-compose.yml:

        - ./src/:/data/

You mount your local folder src/ (relative Path from docker-compose.yml) in your Docker container under /data.

Apache2 webroot is defined as /data/source, because I could install all OXID versions from Github with a little bit less hassle.


Now you can setup your Project by visiting http://localhost:8082/setup/ and follow the installation steps.

Remember the values you defined in your docker-compose.yml. You enter oxid_db, when promted for the Database host, because this is the id and domain name you defined by “linking” the container with oxid_db

    - oxid_db

The default values for MySQL Database, username and password are oxid. The Database credentials are defined by environemnt variables at the oxid_db container

  MYSQL_DATABASE:      oxid
  MYSQL_USER:          oxid
  MYSQL_PASSWORD:      oxid

Import DB

You want to import your own database dump? No problem, you can access the Database with your own Tools, the port 3306 is external accessible:

    - "3306:3306"

or you can run an manual import you database dump or get the demo dump from Github

for OXID v6:

curl -OL

for OXID v4.10

curl -OL

to load the sql from github and save it local.

Import with Mysql-Client

You can pass the data to you local database and execute the SQL from you host machine on the database container by executing:

docker-compose exec oxid_db mysql -u root -p < oxid_v4.10.5.sql

This also applies to all other sql you want to execute, just omit the file redirection and you are ready to go with the mysql client.

Import on startup

The better approach is to mount a local folder (db-dumps) containing you mysql dump to you database and on the first startup this dump gets imported. Only on initalisation of your container all sql files located at this folder (db-dumps) get executed.

This means you can drop the mysql dump in this folder. Everytime you destroy / remove the mysql container all data will be removed and get lost.

The next time you do docker-compose up, the database container gets newly created and all .sql files located in db-dumps get executed and your database is prefill with your data.

    - ./db-dumps/:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/

You can start and stop the container without any impact to your data, only removing the container will remove all your data.

Backup Database

The database credentials are saved in every container in the /etc/my.cnf file. This file is updated on every restart. So when you change your credentials, you change them in the docker-compose.yml stop and start your container and everything should be working normal.

Only the database name has to be specified, the default value is oxid.

docker exec -i oxid_db mysqldump [database name] > oxid.sql

Reset password

When you lost your Admin password you can reset it to you environment variables OXID_ADMIN_PASSWORD and OXID_ADMIN_USERNAME with the new script.

docker-compose exec php5.6 /etc/


docker-compose exec php7.0 /etc/

The variable can be defined in your docker-compose.yml.

Or you can do it by hand with this sql:

UPDATE oxuser
    OXPASSSALT = hex('${NEW_SALT}'),
where oxid = 'oxdefaultadmin';

You have to replace all environment variables with your new values.


You want to install you dependencies, composer is preinstalled and ready to use. The root folder for all executed commands is /data.

docker-compose exec php5.6 composer

The easiest way to update your project dependencies is to execute the bash in your container,

docker-compose exec php5.6 bash

change to your module folder and run all required composer commands.

Composer is globally installed, just enter composer and you see all options etc…

Keep in mind. that composer installs all your dependencies dependent on the PHP version.